Access Consciousness Bars® Certification class
Facilitated by - Jenny Frithiof
Did you know there are 32 points on your head that you can gently touch and start to dissipate and release energies that are stuck or looping
in your head.
When you start let go of all the - what if’s and should have’s - there is more space available to look at your life from a totally different point of view.
And for you to have more ease creating a life that is exciting and fun
for you.
In this 1 day class you are invited to ask questions and be curious as you are exploring this gentle technique. You will receive both a manual filled
with Amazing tool and as well as 2 different head charts with the
finger positions for the Bars points so that you will find them with
more ease. You will also get plenty of hands on experience both on
and off the massage table.
How does it get even better than this?
After taking this class you will receive a certificate and can start running bars on your family and friends as well as offer sessions to paying clients.
Next Class Date: 5th Feb 2022
Class Time
10.00 am - 6.00 pm
Private Residence
Margate, Kent